Skinner Family Reunions


Every two years the Skinner Family from the Northwest has a family reunion. This has been a tradition for over 30 years and started in Bend Oregon in 1978.


The next reunion will be on July 28-30 2017 in Boise Idaho. A block rate of rooms at the Riverside Hotel in Boise has been made and more information will follow as the organizers, Susan Sederstrom Cooper, Dave Owings, Ed Gheen and Kathy Holcomb put the reunion together. Please put this on your calendar and look foward to seeing everyone in July.



Recent Past Reunions:

2015 McMinnville Oregon, hosts John Sandmeyer and Mitch Withowski

2013 Skinner Ranch, Jordon Valley Oregon, hosts Bob and Karen Skinner

2011 Bend, Oregon, hosts Hagen Amen, Cathy Amen and Cathy Skinner

2009 Richland, Washington, hosts Rebecca Hoffmann, David Owings and Dick Sandmeyer

2007 Napa, California, hosts Ray and Nancy Melville and Mike and Sheryl Skinner

2005 Jordan Valley, Skinner Ranch, hosts Bob and Karen Skinner

2003 Bend Oregon, host John Skinner

2001 Wallowa Lake Oregon, host Michael Kirtland Skinner

1999 Bend Oregon, host Sarah (Sally Skinner) Greener

1997 Bend Oregon, host Rick Skinner and John Zarosinski

1995 Pendleton Oregon, host Kirt Skinner