
Family and Friends

Skinner family roots reach deep into the history of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, an archetypal tale of the pioneer spirit. Our people came west by ship, by wagon, by horse, and by foot on trails. From the Isle of Man to Boston, to San Francisco, to mountains, to forests. Through marriages, through children, through settling, through industrializing. And as our country grew, so did our family. Today we are spread across the states and the world. Skinner blood joins us to family, to our ancestors, to our future.

This site is made in the spirit of exploration and connection. Like family, it is a work in progress, ever growing. Keep an eye out for postings on news, reunions, and new branches of our family tree.


This web site consists of several items that allow you to explore the Skinner Family history and genealogy. AN UPDATE OF THE WEBSITE IN THE SPRING 2017 IS PLANNED TO NEW PLATFORM AND WITH ADDED FEATURES. These items are summarized below:


This provides the family history starting in 1600 with Ewan Skinner, on the Isle of Man in the Irish sea, for over 12 generations to the current day. Some are listed as family trees and more current lineages are presented as flow charts. We are working on methods to present all as trees eventually. Each person has a personal page as decribed below for more detail.

Personal Pages and Search

Each person in the family has a personal information page with details regarding marriages and children. Stories of historical events and pictures are also often presented on these pages. You can search for individual people with the search engine provided or access directly through the genealogy tree and lineage pages. If you would like to add material to your pages please send electronic to the webmaster for posting.


Several major historical events are highlighted in this section. The Isle of Man information with the original family and the current day information is available. Silas Skinner who immigrated from the Isle of Man and moved to the Northwest to discover gold, build a toll across Oregon used by the pioneers and established the Skinner Ranch in south east Oregon has information on this section as well. Several arms of the family including the Sackett and Callow lineages can also be acessed in this section. Basic historic events regarding the growth and development of the Skinner family are presented.


Every two years the Skinner Family has a Reunion in the Northwest. This has been a tradition since 1978 and upcoming events and information are listed under the Reunion section of this web site.

Links and Contact

Important links that can provide additional information and enhanced research are listed here. We need your help to update, correct and expand the information provided, so please contact us and send new material to be posted.

Skinner Family News and Updates

Ernest "Ernie" W. Van Matre, 76, of Ontario Died March 3, 2016. Memorial services will be held 11am Friday March 11, 2016 at St Mathews Episcopal Church, Ontario. Our condolences and prayers to the family.

Dan Skinner passed away January 23 2016 and will very much be missed by family and friends. Our condolences and prayers to the family.

Mark Skinner passed away in September of 2015 from a life long battle with cancer, and will be missed by family and friends. Our condolences and prayers to the family


Family Member Published Books

Don Emmel has published a book titled "Eliminating Satan and Hell, Affirming a Compassionate Creator-God" in 2013 by Wipf & Stock Publishing in Eugene OR. This is an outstanding scholarly history of religous aspects on the topic and provides an extremely insightful consideration of satan and hell in our philosophy and lives today. You can get the book from Amazon and more information at www.wipfandstock.com.

John S Skinner took his family history and wrote a book titled "High Desert Promise" published early 2009. This family history cronicles the development and operations of the Skinner Ranch for the past hundred years. You can get the book on Amazon and information on orders can be obtained from John S Skinner at john_skinner411@msn.com.

The late RG. Web Ross (husband of Ella Lee Carlsen Ross) and his business partner published a book entitled "Rescuing The American Dream" in 2009 that cronicles his successful entrepreneur experiences and provides a refreashing business philosophy needed in America today. You can get the book from Amazon and find out more about the book at www.rescuingthedream.com.